Sonntag, 24. November 2019

Selected Ryokan and Onsen in Okuhida Onsen 奥飛騨温泉郷 by #treasuresoftakayama

See the locations on Okuhida Onsengo Google Map by #treasuresoftakayama

Okuhida is well known for its hot springs, and especially for its rotemburo (outdoor baths) with views of the surrounding alps. Five onsen towns have developped along Okuhida's valleys: Hirayu, Fukuji, Shin-Hirayu, Shin-Hotaka and Tochio.

Hirayu Onsen 平湯温泉:

Hirayu onsen is known to be a spring where the daimyo (feudal lords) of the Hokuriku region used to visit.

Hirayu no Mori ひらゆの森: A public bath, gender separated, also private bathes and some lodging facilities, for example cottages with private bath.

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Hirayu Minzokukan 平湯民族館: A museum with hot spring bath, called Hirayu no Yu. The museum consists of traditional straw roofed farm houses with tools for rural lifen. The baths are outdoor, gender separated, no shower facilities.

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上高地散策の後…。日帰り温泉色々調べてこちらへ…。 ... 実はこの奥に露天風呂があります。 ... ネットの情報でもちょっと想像がつかなかったけど、行って正解!白川郷へ行けなかったけど、なんとなく満足…笑笑 ... 料金は寸志制…。お金は草刈りなどに使われるそう。 ... ちょうど入った時は誰もいなくて貸切満喫しました❣️ ... #上高地散策#平湯温泉#日帰り温泉#おすすめ#貸切露天風呂#茅葺き屋根#風情#歴史的建造物#平湯民族館#平湯民族館の露天風呂#飛騨高山#温泉#露天風呂#古民家#温泉旅行#hirayu#hotsprings#openairbath #tatchedroof#taste#wayback#kamikochi#trip#japan#nagano#gifu

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Takumi no Yado Miyama Ouan 匠の宿 深山桜庵:

Shin-Hirayu Onsen: On the eastern side of the Takahara River opposite Fukuji Onsen, at the base of Mount Yakedake.

Okuhida Garden Hotel Yakedake 奥飛騨ガーデンホテル焼岳: It has a large, mixed gender, open air bathing area with cave and waterfall baths. Special towels (which are provided) must be worn in the mixed gender outdoor baths. Segregated indoor baths. Opens its baths to non staying guests during the day.

Shin-Hotaka Onsen:
Suimeikan Karukaya Ryokan: Closed due to renovation (November 2019). It has a huge, mixed gender outdoor bath with panoramic views of the mountains. Hot water comes via a waterfall. There are also three private baths available for a small fee, as well as a women's only bath.

Yarimikan 槍見館:
Allows non staying guest to use their baths during the day. There are two mixed gender and one women's only out door bathes, that have views of Mount Yarimidake and the river that flows alongside. Indoor baths and private baths are also available for the guests of the Ryokan.

Fukuji Onsen:

While appearing quite old, most of the ryokan in Fukuji are rather new, but they are made from recycled materials from old farmhouses. That gives them a traditional feeling.

Kakurean Hidaji 隠庵 ひだ路: Most of the rooms with halfopen private bath.

Ryokan Sansui: Four private bathes.

Tochio Onsen:

The minshuku here are some of the more economical places to stay when visiting the region.

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